I think they made this video just for me

A few weeks ago Peter Kent pointed me in the direction of a video by The Camera Store

And one would have thought that they shot this video - a battle between Canon 5D Mark III and the Nikon D800 - just for me.

The "battleground" was an indoor riding arena and they were shooting a cutting competition.

Indoor arenas usually have horrible lighting conditions.

  • The lights are usually placed high up in the air and are far from sufficient to light up the arena properly
  • The lights are not one type of light but several different types
  • The light is far from uniform across the arena
  • Sometimes you have streaks of daylight coming in through the roof
  • And once in a while the port isn't closed so you'll have streaks coming in there as well
I don't shoot cutting competitions, but I do shoot dressage and show jumping competitions, so I needed a camera with high ISO/low noise capabilities because I will be shooting at high shutter speeds.

So having Mike and Drew test the two cameras I had been considering, and name the 5D Mark III (which I had settled on) the winner was very nice indeed.

I'm a bit scared about how Mike use the lenses as armrests, but when you look at his own "old" camera, the Mark II, you can see that he doesn't spare his equipment - it has been used...heavily used.

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