F-117 stealth fighters to make final flight no one will know about

F-117 stealth fightersAir Force buffs, prepare to salute a true American hero as it makes it way into the annals of military history: the F-117 stealth fighter.

The planes -- one of the most enigmatic members of the military's arsenal -- will be making their final trip on April 21st from Holloman Air Force Base in New Mexico to Tonopah Test Range Airfield in Nevada, the home of their first flight. The aircraft is being replaced by a newer model, the F-22 Raptor, and the government says it has no plans to bring the radar-dodging planes out of retirement. In all, there have only been 59 F-117s that have rolled off the assembly line, 37 of which have already been taken out of the skies, and another seven which have crashed. We'll miss you, F-117, and all the totally awesome, completely secret stuff you did.

Source- http://www.engadget.com/2008/03/11/f-117-stealth-fighters-to-make-final-flight-no-one-will-know-abo/