Porn Money Fine With Time Writer, But Not Actual Porn

Models picsTime writer Lisa Takeuchi Cullen thinks her publisher is obnoxiously proud of its Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition, which it slipped into everyone's office in the dead of night, and which contains, gasp, pictures of young women in various states of undress.

The women don't even look real, and the bikinis are of no interest to Cullen because she's pregnant, so Cullen shouldn't even have to be bothered to throw away what she accurately describes as "porn." But she'll happily cash her paychecks every few weeks, even though they come from the annoying porn; according to Time Inc. and Cullen's own blog post, the "Swimsuit Edition franchise... is the most profitable of any single magazine-branded franchise."

Basically, the Time writer doesn't want to have to come face to face with how her publisher makes its money. And who can blame her: if she took a hard look and started engaging that topic a bit more closely on her blog, there would be no office to come back to.
