New Samsung LCDs and Plasmas with SRS TheaterSound
Samsung is launching their new Samsung LCD's & Plasmas TV's with surround sound power of SRS Theater Sound. When you'll think of surround sound, you'll think of lots of speakers right! But SRS intends to change it with its front rendered surround sound technologies like SRS TheaterSound. In addition to the surround sound part, it also helps in loud commercial and inaudible dialog.
World's Most Advanced Electric Bike

Michael Czysz, the man behind the machine, has made the MotoCzysz E1pc so advanced that all the major parts of the E1pc, from its motor to its battery packs to even its aerodynamics are all new and class leading. The battery, obviously key in any electric vehicle, is connected without wires and thus can be easily swapped out in seconds. The batteries are hand assembled by a company that develops for NASA and its electric motor runs at nearly 500 volts which is powerful enough to turn a wrench into a pile of molten metal. The motor, called "Digital Drive," offers a nearly direct connection between the throttle and rear wheel, which allows it to be nastily fast.
This electric bike reached a top speed of 140 MPH-besting its closest electric competitor's 102 MPH. The E1pc also clocked a 94.6 MPH lap, tantalizingly close to the 100 MPH goal. But that's not the amazing thing. The E1pc ran that time while using, on average, less than 40% of its throttle and crossed the finish line with, according to Czysz, with "plenty in reserve."
The MotoCzysz E1pc is set to race this week in the 37.7 mile of twists and turns that is the Isle of Man TT, a race that is designed to break motorcycles and its riders and if completed gives a motorcycle instant credibility.
Apple's Solar Powered Patent
Few weeks ago, we updated with "Apple Cover Flow Patent" now it's time for Apple's another patent i.e. Solar Powered. This Solar-powered Apple patents are nothing new, but it's the fact that Steve intended to blanket his devices with the technology. Cupertino's latest patent application shows different - the photocells are inside. "By integrating both the touch sensors and the solar cell layers into the same stack-up, surface area on the portable device may be conserved," reads the filing. Nerd to English translation: the next iDevice you hold might have energy-giving solar panels built right into that spacious, responsive multitouch screen.
Dell Streak - Buy in $500 in US Next Month

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