Rock Band 2- Wii DLC confirmed for Rock Band 2
After months and months of speculation and rumor from all corners of the internet and beyond, downloadable content for the Wii version of Rock Band 2 has been confirmed. USA Today reports that the functionality has indeed been confirmed, and with the release of Rock Band 2, Wii owners will finally be able to spend the massive amounts of cash Xbox 360 and PS3 owners have been spending for the past year.
While unannounced, MTV Games has confirmed that the upcoming Nintendo Wii version of ``Rock Band 2'' will offer the same online functionality — i.e. song downloads and Internet multiplayer modes — as the Microsoft Xbox 360 and Sony PS3 versions. The PS2 version, however, will not include online connectivity.
Source- Kotaku

Source- Kotaku
Walmart is shutting down MP3 Music Store, DRM Servers...
Like Yahoo and MSN before them, Walmart is turning off its DRM servers on Oct. 9, effectively putting any DRM'd songs you bought from them into a cold stasis they'll never wake up from, since they'll become totally unmovable unless you circumvent the DRM.
Walmart went through this earlier with their video store, though it didn't matter since no one bought anything from it.
Here are the information post by someone got mail from Walmart Music Team-

Here are the information post by someone got mail from Walmart Music Team-
Important Information About Your Digital Music PurchasesSource- Walmart
We hope you are enjoying the increased music quality/bitrate and the improved usability of Walmart's MP3 music downloads. We began offering MP3s in August 2007 and have offered only DRM (digital rights management) -free MP3s since February 2008. As the final stage of our transition to a full DRM-free MP3 download store, Walmart will be shutting down our digital rights management system that supports protected songs and albums purchased from our site.
If you have purchased protected WMA music files from our site prior to Feb 2008, we strongly recommend that you back up your songs by burning them to a recordable audio CD. By backing up your songs, you will be able to access them from any personal computer. This change does not impact songs or albums purchased after Feb 2008, as those are DRM-free.
Beginning October 9, we will no longer be able to assist with digital rights management issues for protected WMA files purchased from If you do not back up your files before this date, you will no longer be able to transfer your songs to other computers or access your songs after changing or reinstalling your operating system or in the event of a system crash. Your music and video collections will still play on the originally authorized computer.
Thank you for using for music downloads. We are working hard to make our store better than ever and easier to use.
Walmart Music Team
Release date of "The Chronicles Of Spellborn"

They'll be ramping up things on the beta front over the coming weeks, so now would be a pretty good time to hit up the web page and register, just in case you care to get a taste. For more info, have a look-
Source- kotaku
Apple iPhone 2.1 and iTunes 8 Available Next Tuesday
It is now backtracking from its initial prediction that iTunes 8 won't be a hit in Apple's Let's Rock September 9 event. Not only iTunes 8 will be available then, but they say Apple will also release the iPhone 2.1 update that in theory will fix its huge password security flaw.
Jacqui hints that the 2.1 update will have new secret features that are absent from the beta.
Source- Gizmodo
Jacqui hints that the 2.1 update will have new secret features that are absent from the beta.
Source- Gizmodo