Hands on with Fracture Trailer

Every action they perform dynamically reshapes the earth in ways no videogame has ever seen. When Briggs throws a tectonic grenade on a level battlefield, the ground blasts upward to provide access to an otherwise unreachable area.
Source- http://www.techeblog.com/index.php/tech-gadget/fracture-trailer
MSI Wind pre-release review

Shortly after the UK branch of CNET posted up their initial impressions, along comes yet another mini-review to get you even more worked up about June 3rd. Here's the skinny so far:
the screen is amazing, keyboard is as well, the trackpad is simply too cramped and the port assortment is very respectable. All in all, critics were left "seriously impressed,"and they even threw together a video and image gallery for checking out afterwards.
Source- http://www.engadget.com/2008/05/31/msi-wind-gets-terse-pre-release-review/
HTC Touch Dual launching in US this weekend...

Best Buy will be offering the phone starting this weekend for $549.99 unlocked, available on its website or directly from "select" Best Buy Mobile locations around the country, so try not to let those visions of Diamonds distract you too much while you're whipping out the credit card.
Source- http://www.engadget.com/2008/05/23/htc-touch-dual-launching-in-the-us-this-weekend-courtesy-of-best/
Age of Conan Trailer - Games news

Though it wasn't on display, Funcom informed us that an updated graphics tech has been implemented into Age of Conan, called Cheetah 2, which they claim drastically improves framerates.
Source- http://www.techeblog.com/index.php/tech-gadget/age-of-conan-trailer
Panasonic internet-enabled plasmas due this summer

Source- http://www.engadget.com/2008/05/20/panasonic-vieracast-internet-enabled-plasmas-due-this-summer/
Microsoft says- No new Xbox 360 in 2009

Sounds like that rumor about a new, smaller Xbox 360 coming next year might have a shorter life than a red-ringing console. Specifying the release of "slimmed down SKU in 2009", Microsoft representative let us know today that "While we don't normally comment on rumors like this, we can tell you that we have no plans to release a new console in 2009". Yep, rumor assassinated, just like that. Of course, there still exists the possibility that Microsoft's just playing coy to prevent a little bit of Osborne effect from creeping in during their heated battle with the PS3 -- but they did go out of their way to directly comment on the rumor, so take it as you will.
Source- http://www.engadget.com/2008/05/13/microsoft-says-no-new-xbox-360s-in-2009/
World's Most Terrifying Weapons

Some of the most interesting of these include "The Rods from God"—a satellite system that uses sophisticated targeting mechanisms and gravity to drop large metals rods to the earth (at speeds approaching 36,000 feet per second) and the MK-ULTRA mind control experiments conducted from the 1950's through much of the 70's. All in all a decent list, but I would like to humbly submit the compressed air knife and the potential behind a one-petawatt laser.
Source- http://gizmodo.com/390158/the-worlds-most-terrifying-weapons
Fedora 9 Sulphur released- Makes new way to world

Source- http://www.engadget.com/2008/05/13/fedora-9-sulphur-makes-its-way-into-the-world/